


Data from CEARH

County Data Maps from CEARH

Now Available – Economic and healthcare industry data maps are available for Counties in the United States. To access the data, click on the links below. Each map has a drop-down menu with several data variables. Data sources are listed at the bottom of each map.

Rural counties are defined following the Rural Urban Continuum Code (RUCC) classification from USDA/ERS. Only the counties with a RUCC code of 4 or higher are visualized on the rural maps. For more information on the rural-urban definitions please visit the USDA website.

CEARH uses data from public and proprietary sources. Each visualization includes the source at the bottom of the map. CEARH does not collect these data directly and is not in charge of how the data are measured and reported. Measurement errors are to be expected. Years of data vary by source. For additional information please see this data sources file.

For additional information and data requests please contact Simona Balazs, CEARH Research Coordinator at

Additional Resources

Rural Hospital Closures from UNC Sheps Center
This mapping tool displays U.S. hospital closings from 2005-current. The map breaks down closures by rurality, closures each year, closures by Medicare payment classification, and whether the closures were complete or converted. View the map.


Rural Health Information Hub (RHIhub)
RHIhub offers a mapping tool called the Rural Data Explorer. Select from a wide range of data on health disparities, health workforce, demographics, and more. View the data.

Center for Economic Analysis of Rural Health Resources

Data Publications Webinars

Contact Information

Dr. Alison Davis, Ph.D.
CEARH Director

411 C.E. Barnhart Building Lexington, KY 40546-0276

(859) 257-7272